Monday, November 12, 2007

#23 Is this really the end? Or just the beginning ...

Well I've made it!! I was determined I was going to finish this this weekend come what may. So, what did I think? Well on the whole I think it was certainly a worthwhile exercise and one that I enjoyed. Obviously there were some things I liked better than others but that is only to be expected. I think I have been fairly clear in some of my posts what I have thought about some of the different tools we've used. I have learned new things which is always good. The Learning 2.0 activities blog was clearly set out and easy to follow. One of the most interesting things to come out of it was reading the blogs of other collegues and learning a bit more about them. I was a little disappointed that more of our staff didn't put as much effort into it as some others did but still as I mentioned in my first post, everyone is busy and sometimes finding the time to do just another thing is just not possible. I think this program has reinforced some of my views on technology and how it is being used, or misused, whatever the case might be. Because someone has set us tasks to do which has made me go and use some things I haven't bothered with until now I have actually learnt some stuff I might not have bothered with otherwise. Blogging being one example. I've always wondered why anyone would want to read my ramblings but it's been fun and hopefully we can continue it with WikiWarriors!!!!

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Congratulations on completing the Learning 2.0 program. Good luck with your wiki project
